Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Vegetarian Meals - A True Bonaza

Cooking vegetarian meals is a lot like following a good road map or guideline. Most cooking instructions or recipes are just that – a good road map. Cooking is chemistry; you add the ingredients, heat or cold at the correct time and out pops a delicious meal.

There are four or five different categories of vegetarians but only three main categories; and all are vegetarian to one degree or another. Preparing vegetarian meals will not require that you shop in specialty stores. Most groceries now carry organic fruits and vegetables and some organic dried staples.

Vegetarian meals are at their best when you use the best ingredients. The best ingredients are free of herbicides and pesticides and are organically grown. When you are preparing meals you should know and apply good food combination principles, not only for taste and appearance but also to so you receive all the important nutrients throughout the day.

Shopping for organic and vegetarian ingredients should not be difficult. Most groceries now carry organic produce and organically prepared prepackaged foods. Organically prepared foods are marked “organically grown”.

You should read the labels on processed and pre-packaged foods to figure out if they really are vegetarian. Some foods that you would think are vegetarian also include animal by-products or gelatin in the preparation.

Another tip to good vegetarian meals and lifestyle is to include a fast every week or two. The fast is 24 hours in length. People can chose to drink juices during the fast or not. If you do chose juice try to use freshly juiced fruits and vegetables to receive the most from the fresh enzymes and nutrients.

Fasting will help to clear your digestive system and help your body to work more efficiently. Only in today’s society have we learned to eat three meals a day each and every day. Our hunting and gathering ancestors often went a day or two without food, if food wasn’t available.

If you are cooking vegetarian meals for children you must take care to meet their special nutritional needs. Because most vegetarian foods are low in fat you have to include fat in their diets, especially if they are less than 2 years. Fat is vital to the brain growth of children less than 2.

Another advantage to eating vegetarian meals is that the need to count calories is almost nil. Most of the foods you are eating are low in calories and high in fiber and nutrients. Even the foods that are high in fat like nuts, seeds and avocados do not cause cholesterol issues since they are plant source of fat and not animal source.

As a vegetarian lifestyle becomes more popular restaurants are including vegetarian meals on their menu. Restaurants are also likely to make some accommodations to their current foods to make a meal that you can eat.

Eating and cooking vegetarian meals doesn’t have to be boring. Include foods you don’t normally eat, taste a variety of fruits and vegetables. You’ll be surprised at how the variety makes your meals more pleasurable.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Vegetarian Diet Secret Revealed

Vegetarian diets are not just for health nuts anymore. Research has shown to improve the health of people eating vegetarian diets as well as giving them more energy and to help with weight loss as well as weight maintenance.

And vegetarian diets aren’t boring either. In the past years agriculture has advanced in the quality and variety of foods that weren’t available 50 years ago. Although we are creatures of habit the next time you go to the grocery store take a look around. Look past the apples, oranges and bananas to the star fruit, mangoes and kiwi. Although green peppers are a staple they also come in three other colors – red, yellow and orange – all with a distinctive sweet flavor.

Our sense of taste usually dictates what we will or won’t eat but our bodies require a variety of foods to stay healthy. We have become slaves to our palates without remembering that we eat so that we can live. Not the other way around. We do not live so that we can eat.

Unfortunately many people fall victim to advertising and the fast food gimmick that is part of today’s culture. Some fast food restaurants are actually beginning to offer vegetarian diet options – although the quality and nutritional benefits are questionable.

We actually have the ability to cultivate our tastes. In other words, keep trying vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet. It won’t be long before something that once tasted ‘bad’ to you will be a vegetable or fruit you enjoy. A vegetarian diet can include a variety of greens, root vegetables, juices, nuts and seeds to ensure that our most important life insurance policy is paid up in full; that we are providing our bodies the health and nutrition that we need. We are, after all, exactly what we eat.

Some people take the position that ‘something’ will kill you at one point or another, so why not enjoy all the things that life has to offer. Unfortunately it may not be the length of life that is affected but the quality. Vegetarian diets decrease your risk of living life with pain, medications, need for oxygen delivery systems or faced with a life in a wheelchair, which is the outcome and not certain death.

For instance, dietary habits in Norway were studied and found that women who ate a significant amount of fat from meat based diets had 2.5 times the risk for developing breast cancer than those who didn’t eat meat.

Another argument against a vegetarian diet is that they require more work since you must be sure to get the correct amount of protein and essential amino acids. But, there are no perfect foods and even people who routinely include meat in their diets can be malnourished for exactly the same reasons.

Vegetarian diets are a choice. But what is interesting is that because you eat a vegetarian diet doesn’t mean it has to be a total vegetarian diet to get the heath benefits from eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Integrating vegetarian cooking and meals into your daily habits will only help to improve your health and increase your energy.
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Unknown Web Developer

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Simple And Healthy Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone

Vegetarian cooking is for everyone in the family, from baby to the centurian and is not as difficult as you might imagine. Everyone in the family can benefit from a diet high in vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds with little to no animal protein and fats.

Some people chose a vegetarian lifestyle because of political reasons, others because of religious reasons and still others are animal activists. Social, economic and health reasons round out the motivations that are common for choosing a vegetarian lifestyle.

Most vegetarians eat no animal flesh at all; no red meat, no fish, no fowl and no game. Some vegetarians will eat eggs and dairy products while others will eat neither. How you make your meals will depend upon a variety of vegetables that range in color and texture. You want to include high quality oils, sea salts and organic foods.

When you are cooking do not substitute textured vegetable protein, such as tofu or tempeh, for meat in your meals. There are recipes that use those proteins in the meal and the meal is designed for them.

Cooking is chemistry in the kitchen. In other words, mixing foods together is really the same as mixing chemicals in the lab together – there is a specific mixture that will produce excellent results. Using high quality contents makes for delicious meals. Substituting textured vegetable proteins for meat in recipes that require meat only leads to poor tasting meals using a high cost product.

Most families also enjoy pastas. Your cooking can include whole grain pastas and spaghettis. Using whole grain pasta, and not whole wheat pasta, will make an improvement in the food you eat and your health. Add plenty of vegetables to increase the fiber content of the meal and reduce the calorie intake. One recipe with pasta can include lots of vegetables tossed with a good flavored olive oil that was sautéed with garlic.

Pizzas are a wonderful addition to your recipe arsenal. Diced tomatoes, olive oil or red sauce and quick sautéed vegetables will tempt your taste buds. Cheese is actually optional on pizza!

But your vegetarian meals do not stop there. Chinese foods can be very healthy when you steer clear of the fried foods and the dishes that feature noodles. Stick with the sautéed vegetables. Do you have a favorite sauce? You can request that sauce over your favorite vegetables – hold the meat please!

When you are cooking your meals you also have children to consider. As vegetarian diets are becoming more popular several good vegetarian cookbooks have been written specifically to meet the caloric and nutritional needs of children. Salads and cooked vegetables will not meet the needs of your children. But a properly balanced vegetarian diet will.

When you are a vegetarian, cooking for everyone in your family, you may have a bit more planning to do but the end results are definitely worth the effort. You and your family are healthier and more energetic. You can face the world with more energy than you’ve ever had!
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Vegan Vegetarian - Why we need it

A vegetarian lifestyle is becoming more popular as research shows that vegetarians live longer and healthier lives. A vegan vegetarian is the strictest type of vegetarian diet and practiced by the minority of vegetarians. However, while it has the strictist diet regimen, it also reduces your potential for disease by the greatest amount. As with any anything else, the greatest effort often yeilds the most reward.

The vegetarian way of eating isn’t new. As far back as 400 B.C. vegan vegetarians were called Pythagoreans after the famous philosopher who believed that as long as people were committing murder, killing animals, they would not have joy and love in their lives.

Vegans were called Pythagoreans until 1847, when the term vegetarian was coined by Joseph Brotherton in Kent, England at the inaugural meeting of the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom. The word vegetarian is a derivation of the Latin word Vegetus meaning whole, sound or fresh.

The original Pythagoreans enjoyed a lifestyle that was with or without eggs, although most people included eggs in their diet. Today there are several types of vegetarians, vegans are only one.

The basic definition of vegetarianism is people who do not eat meat, poultry, fish or the by products of animals, with or without the use of dairy or eggs in the diet. Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarians eat eggs and milk products. This is the most popular type of vegetarian lifestyle.

Lacto-vegetarians eat milk products such as cheese, yogurt, milk and ice cream. They don’t eat eggs. Strict vegans eat no meat of any type, no dairy, no eggs and no meat by-products. They eat only fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Some vegans aren’t strictly dietary and also don’t use animal products in their clothing or household goods. Veganism is a way of living that attempts to exclude all forms of exploiting animals for food, clothing or other purposes.

Vegan diets use less energy and water resources than does the growth of livestock. Plant growth uses the energy and water resources while the livestock depletes the resources. Decrease plant growth also contributes to soil erosion, ground water depletion and deforestation.

Vegan diets have a positive impact on more than just your health and environment. Becoming a vegetarian is not as difficult as you might imagine. And once you’ve tried the vegan lifestyle, full of energy, good health and positive impact on your life, you’ll never go back!

How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Becoming A Vegetarian - What You must Know

Becoming a vegetarian is easier than you might think. Vegetarian eating is different but not difficult; it takes commitment, but it isn’t rocket science.

First you have to distinguish what type of vegetarian you are most interested in becoming and, more importantly, why? People become vegetarians for many reasons. You may convert to vegetarianism because of religion, animal rights, and health and wellness reasons. You must define your reason first so that you know where to turn for motivation and support when you are faced with adversity.

Becoming a vegetarian means not eating meat, which includes beef, poultry, fish or even the by-products of meat like dairy or eggs. Whole foodies do all of that PLUS eat only raw foods like fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Most people make the decision to become a vegetarian because of health and wellness reasons. But Hindu and Buddhists are strict vegetarians and others practice vegetarian eating habits because they are animal activists and abhor the treatment of animals during the slaughter process.

Becoming a vegetarian has gained widespread acceptance in the past 5 years as research is showing that eating a vegetarian diet will lower a persons risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

There is more than one way to eat a vegetarian diet. You should know yourself enough to know if going cold turkey or moving into a vegetarian lifestyle slowly will be more successful. Making the change slowly begins by excluding meat and fish. Some people find that excluding one type of meat a month makes the transition easier.

Recent research has shown that vegetarians live longer and healthier lives. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) states on their website that vegetarian diets offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein as well as higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, foliate and antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E.

Becoming a vegetarian also makes it easier to maintain an appropriate weight. Some criticisms include the difficulty that some people have getting all of their essential nutrients. However, eating a normal variety of whole grains, beans, nuts, and vegetables will OFTEN give vegetarians more than adequate amounts of the essential nutrients.

After becoming a vegetarian many people report “feeling better” and having more energy with the diet change. Your daily dietary intake should include vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and whole grains in order to maximize your intake of the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients your body needs to thrive.

Becoming a vegetarian is a choice. Everyday you chose your diet, exercise, stress levels and work patterns. Sometimes we think they are chosen for us but it’s just not the case. We choose. Becoming a vegetarian is a continuum effect. It’s never that you are or you aren’t but rather how much of a vegetarian are you?
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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A FULL BODY DETOX - Is it Right For You?

Body detox is among the best ways of keeping ourselves clean and healthy, besides other methods such as special diets, vitamin supplements, natural therapies, and so on. An important step in a full body detox is to restore or also to replenish energy levels to make you more alert in different areas of your life, such as at work. A body cleanse or body detox is also a great way to give your body a boost after a night of over-indulgence, eating all the wrong foods and consuming more alcohol than is healthy. That is why body detox is needed because some mortals are having this kind of lifestyle.

The human body has a built in detox system that removes harmful substances from the body through excretion but when we put pressure on it by eating unhealthy foods, drinking too much alcohol and not getting enough sleep the system is weakened. At one time, the need for a natural body detox seemed to apply only to those who suffered from some form of drug or alcohol dependency. The pollution your body is exposed to daily, and your consumption of various types of junk food, coffee, aerated drinks, alcohol etc leads to the accumulation of various toxins in your body. Initially known for elimination of excessive alcohol and drugs from the body, detox is now being used more extensively for the process of elimination of any kind of toxins that may be present in the body. A full body detox diet plan using raw vegetables and fresh fruits is especially recommended for young individuals whose bodies have been subjected to high levels of alcohol, burgers and pizzas.

Todays refined diets, stressful lifestyles antibiotics or other health problems can deplete the body’s natural store of these little miracle workers and upset the delicate balance or eubiosis. There are numerous other methods to detox your body, such as through herbal tea and supplements, in addition to specialized diets and spa programs. Body detox diets vary but typically involve eating or drinking nothing but raw, steamed or gently stir-fried vegetables and fruit, pulses, sprouted seeds, thin soups, juices and plain cereals such as brown rice, millet or buckwheat. Mediterranean diets are low on fat and carbohydrates and they provide us with healthy alternative to the oily food we consume every day.

Start using the benefit of exercise to cleanse and detoxify your body. Exercise increases oxygen to your system and raises your body temperature, in effect combining oxygen therapy and hyperthermia. Exercise detoxification is an effective method of cleansing many vital organs simultaneously and should become a regular part of your life. There are tons of exercise programs and plans out there, or just walking for at least 12-15 minutes a day is beneficial to the colon function. The simplest form of administering oxygen therapy is through a simple deep breathing exercise.

The increase in the amount of toxins in the body results in stress in the immune system that eventually breaks down due to overwork. If you are interested in the idea of detoxing and want to receive the fastest results possible, then what you are going to want to do is find a quick detox diet, a body detox that is going to offer you quick results. Some methods are used individually as body detox solutions while other individuals use several methods together to achieve the best possible results. If you want to receive optimum results from your detox, you should consider taking some supplements for detox. It is also good for keeping track of detox intervals or a detox schedule, body detox is not just a one time thing, for best results it should be done on a regular basis throughout the year.

While our body is not totally defenseless against toxins as we have an effective built-in natural detoxification system but body detox is still a must to help keep your body free of toxins. One of the much-desired benefits of body detox is weight loss. Liver and Kidneys detox is excellent to use before and during a weight loss program, as it will improve weight loss results. In conclusion, making your own home remedy for body detox is much better and less expensive way to pursue long term health as compared to eating detox pills.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Juice fasting is gaining popularity as a great way to detoxify. Many people are interested in getting toxins out of their system so they can live a healthier life. When toxins accumulate in the body, they feel sluggish and also have a poor immune system. Juice fasting, as a cleansing method, can help to people to achieve better health and more energy. It is quite easy to do as fruits are readily obtainable and all that is required additionally is a juicer.

For a beginner to juice fasting, it is important to start out slow and to try it out for one day. By juice fasting, you are limiting your intake to juices only. Fruit juice is high in sugar, so if you are a diabetic or otherwise in need of monitoring your sugar intake you should be cautious of trying a juice fast with fruit juices. Anyone just starting out with fasting should always speak with their doctor first. Also, do not juice fast for prolonged periods like more than 3 days, not unless your doctor agrees that it is safe for you to do so.

The following are sample recipes that can help give you an idea of combinations of fruits and vegetables to use together:

Recipe 1: Vegetable Juice Combo
2 Swiss chard leaves
1/2 beetroot
2 or 3 sprigs of watercress
3 carrots
1 celery stalk
Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 2: Carrot-Apple Juice
2-3 Green Apples
1 carrot
Fresh basil leaves
Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 3: Carrot-Vegetable Juice
A handful of dandelion leaves
1 kale leaf
4 carrots
Fresh mint, basil or coriander leaves
Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 4: Peach Juice
2 or 3 peaches
Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

There are many different types of juice fasts. Some diets call for fruit juices while others used less sugary vegetable juices. You can always come up with your own unique combination of fruit and vegetable juice diet recipes.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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There are several types of detox diets. There are those in which you can only eat fruits and vegetables, those in which you can only eat “clean” foods, those in which you can only drink fruit and vegetable juice, and the most extreme type where you can only drink water. You can also do specialized cleanses designed specifically for certain area of the body, for instance the liver, kidneys, blood or lungs. However, most detox diets just involve cleansing the entire body. Below, there is a sample of a seven day detox diet that you can try.

First of all, it is important that you have regular bowel movements during a detox because this will lessen the likelihood of toxins being reabsorbed by the body. A good way to make sure you will eliminate regularly is to take 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds in lemon water in the morning, and drink lemon water throughout the day. Flax seeds provide the body with fiber and lemon water has a slightly laxative effect.

It is also important to drink enough fluids on a cleanse. You should try to include at least 8 glasses of water daily to ensure that you are allowing toxins to be flushed out.

A sample menu of a detox diet follows below. This is a diet that allows some food, since this tends to be easier for beginners. Remember, you can modify this to fit your needs and preferences.


·1/2 lemon squeezed into a glass of warm water
·1 tablespoon of bentonite clay and 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in a glass of water


·breakfast smoothie made with pear, rice milk and rice protein powder
·supplements: vitamin C


·apple juice diluted with water
·vegetable broth
·supplements: milk thistle
·celery sticks and hummus


·chunky vegetable soup made with vegetable stock and your choice of vegetables
·steamed broccoli with sesame seeds and beets sprinkled with lemon juice on brown rice
·apple sauce
·supplements: multivitamin


·dandelion root tea
·carrot sticks with hummus dip
·supplements: milk thistle


·curried lentils on quinoa
·salad with mixed greens, red peppers, artichokes and sprouts drizzled with salad dressing of garlic, lemon juice and olive oil
·vegetable broth


·1 tablespoon of bentonite clay and 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in a glass of water

This can be followed for up to seven days. Have fun, and remember to be careful, because while you should expect to feel sluggish and slightly ill, if you are feeling very ill or fatigued, contact your doctor.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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DETOX DIETS - Why You Need To Go On A Detox Diet

Detox Diets are the last craze in dieting, thats why the number of people searching for detox diets is growing everyday.

You may have heard about toxins, detoxification, cleansing, purifying, they are all related to detox diets.

Toxins are harmful chemicals affecting your body. They are all around you (in your food, water, air) and inside you (as waste products of metabolism). Your body eliminates most toxins and the rest are stored within body fat.

These stored toxins combined with stress can affect your health in very unpleasant ways:

– weight gain
– headaches
– feelings of fatigue and weakness
– heartburn
– sore muscles and skin
– joint pains

These symptoms will fade when you start detox. Well, you may feel some discomfort in the very first days, but that is a normal body reaction.

You may feel headache or sore muscles, but that is because the toxins are released faster then your body can eliminate them. These symptoms will not occur again if you detox regularly.

Detox and Weight Loss

Detoxification is the process of releasing and expelling the stored toxins through the elimination organs of your body – the intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys and skin.

Detox Diets are dietary nutritious plans that use detoxification, which helps you lose weight by cleansing out your body and improving your metabolism.

Detox and Disease Prevention

Detox Diets are recommended for improving resistance to disease, mental state, digestion, strengthens the organs involved in detox.

Detox Diets can help prevent serious diseases such as cancer, ADD, ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivities, as well as treat heart disease, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease.

Detox Foods

Detox Diets recommend consumption of foods that are beneficial for your health and essential to weight loss – organic foods, fruits and vegetables.

You should drink purified water and cut back on processed foods, as well as give up alcohol and smoking.

You should know

Detox Diets are quite restrictive and once you start a detox diet, you should follow it strictly. Detox Diets are safe, but you should consult your doctor before starting.

Types of Detox Diets

Fasting – drinking only water, juices or broths, or eating one kind of food for a certain period of time. Your body starts burning fat for energy.

Nutritional supplements – intake of nutritious powders, vitamins and packaged protein snacks.

Hydrotherapy – detoxifying through your skin pores by taking special baths.

Specific detox diets – last between 7 and 30 days; there are quick detox diets for one and three days, and long detox diets for 8 weeks.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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More often than we want to, instances happen wherein problems of almost every kind simultaneously pour in; piles of workload to finish in a short span of time, rare illness or death in the family, inadequate money to pay for bills, and the like can occur all at the same time. In times like these, you just want to hide under your sheets and pray that the gods transport you in a utopian dream and be back only until everything is settled. Since teleportation to paradise is highly improbable, you really have no choice but to face the reality (no matter how distasteful it may be). But, after the storms have passed, you’re too stressed beyond imagination. On top of everything, you notice how your skin looks incredibly dull and lifeless and how your energy level and immune system has dropped. What should a sensible person do? Well, for one, you should boost your youthful glow once again by using certain detox products aimed at improving your damaged skin. Following a detox diet, on the other hand, can help you in regaining lost vital nutrients.

Did you know that detox products are no longer seen as paraphernalia for vanity’s sake but are for legitimate needs? Since it is a need, you should not feel guilty for purchasing stuff that can revive your energy and make you feel well. Detox kits, which are available in wide array of varieties, are made of select herbs and other organic ingredients with cleansing and purifying properties. If you are a habitual drinker, you should definitely try detoxification diets or products specifically aimed at eliminating traces of alcohol in your system. But you should also make sure to avoid, as much as possible, drinking alcohol after your detox program. Detoxification diets and products are available not only to cleanse our systems, but also to teach us a thing or two about self-discipline.

A particular nutritionist, who has an article published in the internet, said you should not wait until your body sends telltale signs (such as problems pertaining to digestion) before doing something about it. Excessive amounts of alcohol in the body, if not thoroughly eliminated, can cause serious dysfunction of your internal organs, especially the liver and colon. Detox diet programs for alcohol drinkers include staying away from liquors for a certain period of time. Aside from following a specific diet, you can try taking detox products in order to cleanse your system even if you are not a habitual drinker. Nutritionists want you to remember that there are several causes of impurities aside from alcohol and cigarettes. Everyday, people encounter all kinds of pollutants that bring harm to their bodies. That is precisely why you need to undergo detoxification no matter how ‘healthy’ you think you are.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Simple Way To Cut Your Calorie Intake

Healthy eating is key when you want to lose weight. You must also make a commitment to yourself to get a little exercise each day, and to cut your calorie intake. Believe it or not, you can actually cut calories out of your diet and you will hardly notice the difference. If you want to learn how to cut your calorie intake, then consider the following tips.

Switch to diet colas: You may shudder at the thought of drinking diet colas, but you can save up to 100 calories when you make the switch from regular to diet. In fact, once you get use to the taste of diet colas, you will like the taste better. You will save a ton of calories with diet colas.

Switch to skim milk: Skim milk tastes good and it will save you calories and fat. If you have been drinking whole milk for a long time, you will probably notice a difference in the taste and texture, however, it is still tasty. You can use skim milk in all of your recipes, too.

Bake instead of fry: Just about anything you normally fry can taste just as good when you bake it. Frozen French fries, tator tots and chicken nuggets are great when baked in the oven. It is not difficult to bake instead of fry. You will need to spray the food with cooking oil and cook at a high temperature to make it crispy and crunchy. You will save quite a few calories when you use the oven instead of the fryer.

Look at sugar alternatives: You may have heard a lot about sugar alternatives such as Splenda. Some people think they are bad for you and while there is no conclusive evidence, you may want to do some research. However, the great thing about sugar alternatives is that it does save on calories. For example, you can use these substitutes in all of your recipes that normally call for sugar. Many of the lower calorie products you buy today, such as fruit juice, will also contain sugar substitutes.

Use low fat dairy: There are lots of low fat options when it comes to dairy products and they do not taste any different. Low fat cheese is a popular choice and holds up well in most recipes. You can also use low fat or fat free sour cream and cream cheese. These all taste good and you will hardly notice the difference. You will save calories.

Use low fat salad dressings: Another great low calorie option is low fat or fat free salad dressings. Salad dressings already have a lot of flavoring, so using them on your salad will keep it tasting great and save you calories. You can also marinate meats in low fat or fat free Italian dressing and save on calories. These are great alternatives to high fat sauces.

When you want to save on calories, then think about these low calorie alternatives. When you learn how to eat low fat, you may find that you can lose weight, too. That is an added benefit of eating low calorie
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Easy Way For Cutting Sugar Out of Your Diet

There are many reasons why you may want to cut the sugar (or at least some of the sugar) out of your diet. For one, too much sugar causes health problems. If you are diabetic, or concerned about diabetes, then you will need to limit your sugar intake everyday. Too much sugar may also lead to tooth decay. Of course, everyone knows that too many sweets and sugary foods will also lead to weight gain and obesity.

When looking at diets and ways of cutting sugar out of your diet, you will see that there are several ways of doing this. Diet fads such as South Beach, Sugar Busters and Atkins all concentrate on limiting sugar intake. There are also different kinds of sugar and you will need to know the differences. For example, refined sugar is the white sugar you normally add to your coffee or to your baked products. This kind of sugar is not as healthy for you as natural types of sugar such as honey, or those derived from fruits. You will have to decide if you wish to cut all sugar from your diet or just refined sugar.

Here are some tips for cutting or eliminating sugar from your diet.

Read the labels: Reading the labels on what you buy will help you become aware of the amount of sugar you are eating. You may think that some foods are relatively healthy until you look at the sugar content. Even low fat or no fat foods can contain a very high amount of sugar. Read the labels carefully so you know exactly what you are eating.

Stop adding sugar to your foods: This is the most common mistake people make when they are trying to cut sugar. If you get in the habit of adding sugar to whatever you are eating, it can pack on the pounds. For example, learn to enjoy tea and coffee without the sugar. Don't add sugar to your oatmeal or cereal. Take the sugar bowl off the table.

Reduce your carbs: You don't have to follow a strict no carbs diet, but you must remember that refined or processed carbs will convert to sugar when you eat it. This means that breads, pastas and other snacks that are made with refined (or white) flour, are your worst diet enemies. To combat this, try whole wheat products instead.

Have a varied diet: This is important. You need a varied diet and this will help you reduce your sugar intake. Look for foods that are in all food groups and don't forget that foods come in all colors. One diet expert recommends that you shop according to color. Concentrate on a rainbow of colors when you buy foods. You will get more fresh fruits and vegetables and less refined products when you shop with this mentality.

Think about other sources of sugar: While natural sugars such as raw sugar or honey are better for you than refined sugar, your body really does not know the difference. Therefore, you need to be aware of your total sugar intake, even from fruits and natural fruit juices. You will also want to use artificial sweeteners sparingly.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Counting Fat or Calories: Know What is more Important?

If you want to lose weight, then you know that there are a lot of diets out there. Some diets will tell you that the best way to lose weight is to cut calories. Other diets will tell you that calories don't matter?you should watch your fat intake instead. This can leave any dieter confused about how to lose the weight. If you are wondering whether you should watch your fat or calorie intake, here is a little information to help you decide which is right for you.

Fat or calories?

So you want to lose weight and you are not sure of the best way to do it. Do you cut fat or do your cut calories? You have probably heard conflicting information about the two. There are many products on the market that advertise as either being low fat or low calorie. Most of the time, foods that are either low in fat or low in calories are not both; they are one or the other. For example, you could very easily find low fat cookies. Read the package information carefully. What is the serving size? The serving size may be two cookies. Now, look at the fat content. Say the fat content per two cookies is 3 grams of fat. Now look at the calories. What does it say? Chances are, the calories are the same, if not more, than a regular fat cookie. You get less fat, but more calories.

Now think about it this way: if you find a product that is fat-free, you may think that gives your free range on how much you can eat. You want to lose weight and body fat. Right? Wrong. Again, you have to think about the calories you are putting into your body. Your body converts calories into fat pounds on your body, so if you eat six fat-free chocolate chip cookies, but are taking in 500 calories, then it still counts as calories. It doesn't count less because it is fat free.

Think there is the matter of the type of fat you eat. There are many sources of fat in food and some is better for you than others. For example, if you reduced fat, make sure you are reducing the right kind of fat in your diet. Saturated fat and hydrogenated fat are the worst. You have probably heard a lot about trans-fatty acids, too. These are all very bad for you when it comes to your health. They are known to cause heart disease. What you want to eat is fat that is derived from vegetables rather than animal fat (lard). You have to read the packages on your food to know what you are getting. Then, you need to aim for not consuming more than 30 percent of your daily calories from fat. Again, you will see that your calorie intake matters.

When you look at diets, remember that you do need to keep a close eye on your fat intake, especially the wrong kinds of fat. However, what matters most is the calories.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Secret TO Keeping Vegetables Heathy while Cooking

Your mom probably told you that you had to eat all of your vegetables when you were a kid. Most kids do not love vegetables and about the same number of adults avoid them as well. However, vegetables are an important part of the diet and you need to make sure you are getting the right number of servings each day. When you know how to select and cook your veggies, you are more likely to get in your daily servings. Here are some healthy cooking tips for veggies.

Select fresh veggies:

When you go shopping for vegetables, you will want to consider buying fresh vegetables. These are much better for you than canned or processed vegetables. While canned vegetables are certainly better than not eating vegetables at all, many of these are high in salt and are cooked so that little nutrients remain. Also, keep in mind that canned vegetables are certainly not fresh. Many of these products sit in cans for months before being eaten. Besides, when you choose fresh vegetables, you have a wider range of choices, which makes eating them fun.

Know how to shop:

When you shop for vegetables, you need to know what to buy. Learn what your vegetables should look like when you purchase so that you are certain you are getting the freshest. Shopping at a farmers market or a produce stand in your area can also help ensure that you are getting the best.

Invest in a vegetable steamer:

If you are serious about healthy eating, then you might want to invest in a good vegetable steamer. When you use a steamer, you can take almost any vegetable that is fresh, and cook it to perfection. A steamer will help retain many of the nutrients in the food, so it tastes good and is healthy for you. Look for a dual steamer that can also cook rice, as well. You can get a free-standing, electric steamer from a store like Wal-Mart or Target for around $30.

Learn to pass on the salt:

Many people make the mistake of adding too much salt to their diet. This is a no-no if you are concerned about healthy eating. In addition, you may be tempted to add butter to your veggies. You should also avoid this mistake. Instead of using a lot of salt or butter to flavor your vegetables, consider other options. Cooking vegetables with a low-sodium broth will give them taste, while saving on calories and sodium.

Eat a wide variety:

Another great healthy eating tip when it comes to vegetables is to make sure you are eating a wide variety of veggies. Everyone has his or her favorites, but when you eat only two or three vegetables over and over again, it can get boring. Spice up your diet by selecting seasonal vegetables throughout the year. Try a new vegetable every now and again. Have you ever tried kale? How about broccoli rabe? You may just find a new taste that you love.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Changing Recipes Your Key To Living Healthy

Cooking is an adventure and it can be fattening, too. If you take a quick glance through your favorite recipe cookbooks or at your recipe file, you can see how the calories and fat can really add up. That is not to mention all the sodium in common recipes?that is no good for you either. The good news is that there are changes you can make to your everyday recipes that can help you lower the fat, calories and the sodium. This will help you stay fit, trim and healthy. Here is a look at common changes you can make in your recipes that will add up big in the end.

Applesauce for oil: If you are baking bread, cakes, muffins or quick bread, you can substitute regular flavored applesauce for the oil. It is easy to do, simply add the amount of applesauce instead of the oil. You can often to the same thing with butter. If you still like the taste and texture that the vegetable oil adds, you can substitute half of the applesauce for the oil. Making this simple change can save you both fat and calories. This is an easy and simple switch to make.

Egg substitute for eggs: There are several brands of egg substitutes that you can use in place of eggs in many recipes. These even taste just like eggs when scrambled. These are always lower in fat and calories and contain no cholesterol. Use egg substitute in your baking recipes as well as your casseroles and other dishes.

Broth for butter: Here is a great tip?instead of adding butter to your vegetables or rice, use broth. Chicken, beef and vegetable broth will all add a great flavor to your dishes without adding the big amounts of fat. If you are using bouillon cubes, then just add a couple to the water as you cook. If you are worried about your sodium intake, then you can buy low-sodium broth and bouillon cubes instead. That is a great change to make to all of your favorite recipes.

Lean ground turkey instead of ground beef: Lean ground turkey is tasty and cooks just like regular ground beef. Ground beef has a lot of fat and while you can drain the fat, it never eliminates it completely. How about using ground turkey instead? Look for ground turkey breast, which is leaner and has few calories and fat grams than ground beef.

Low fat cheese and dairy: A very easy switch you can make is to use low fat cheese and dairy products in your cooking such as low or no fat sour cream, cream cheese, yogurt and ricotta cheese. When you use them in recipes, you will hardly notice the different. It is important to note that some low fat or fat free cheese does not melt the same, but you can use it if you are just using a little in tacos or other recipes.

Making the switch to low fat, low calories and low sodium does not have to be hard. You can use these tips to make your recipes better for you.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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